Thursday 17 December 2015

AS1-Task Six:Methods of Research

It is important to conduct research before starting to plan for a new advertising campaign, because it roughly gives an outline of the types of people who use the product. In addition, it helps in making sure tha tge codes are met as well as collecting as much information to make their advertisement triumpht to be able to promote the product. A further point is tgat there are a variety of ways to gain the information and it is through researching.

Furthermore, there are four types of researches that are done to ensure that in the end of the whole process the ad has attracted the audiences attention. Therefore, the first research is primary. Primary research can often have a purpose to extract original data ratger than using other people's research as their own. Organisations nnormally obtain the data by asking questions in the form of questionnaires, surveys, internet forums, interviews of groups or individuals. Disadvantages associated with primary research is that it is very expensive and it can be lengthy, which means that there will need to be current data produced rather than recieve one which may not be to do with their own priduct; in this case the advert. On the other hand, there are advantages for example there can be knowledge of knowing how to create their own primary research by checking secondary research. This is a good thing to do at times as it helps in having thoughts of what they could prevent from the doing in the advert which might have caused an issue for the other advertiser.

Another type of research is secondary, and it is simply exisiting research that someone else has conducted. However, the secondary data can be different sorts of sources that provides information by being publisiced in pamphlets, newspapers, trade publications and magazines so that the advertisers who conduct their own research can use the secondary research for comparison. On the one hand, advantages are that the existing research is often accurate and easy to attain. Yet the disadvantages are that there might still be some inaccuracies that possibly couldn't have been checked properly, suggesting that the research is biased. More so that the advertiser will not known who could have conducted the research.

Quantitative research is displayed as sets of numbers in forms of graphs and charts making it an amount measured. The only way quantative data is collected is by questionnaires, but due to there being only one method of collecting the data it leads to a few disadvantages and advantages which in sense are slightly the same points but as opposites. The disadvantages of quantative research is that some people may have difficulty in understanding the questions meaning that the person or people are not being a hundred percent truthful. The next advantage is that additional questions can not be asked to delve into more detail, hence the answer will have to be yes or no. Adding onto the point is that if there is not enough information then the answers that the researcher is looking for implies that they will not be able to determine the answers, as it is complicated to actually adjust the design of the questionnaire later on. Even though these disadvantages out way the advantages at least there are a couple of advantages. One of them is that there are larger samples to work with, and because of this it hints that the collected data will be analysed unbiasedly.

Qualatative research is when the advertisers can go in more depth to figure out the things the public prefer, which cannot be measured but it allows for a personal kind of response. If  advertisers decide to collect qualatative data then they would either have focus groups or one to one interviews. The reason to why collecting data in focus groups or one to one is terrible is due to it being a tiny sample. So this indicates that there would be difficulties in analysing what the other part of the population think about the advert or anything, thus it also means that certain population does not exactly get represented. Unlike secondary research this research is not too accurate, along with this the overall procedure is time consuming. Despite these disadvantages the advantage of the information collected has high quality answers because extra questions can be asked.

Although there are different types of researches, all of these researches have a motive behind it. Those researches are audience, market and production research. Audience research has four categories being; descriptiv, analytical, predictive, and also tracking research. Descriptive research is when the audience gets described, whereas analytical research is to understand the why'sand how's of the ad should be to the audiences preferences. Nonetheless, predictive research is to think before hand about the consequences that may cause disturbance to the final result for the advertisement. Lastly, tracking research is when changes that possibly have occurred get monitored, in spite of the fact there are stages involved in audience research. Those five stages consist of who the target audience are, the planning that goes into producing the advert, research, analysis and of course to apply everything learnt from the experience to make the end product. Additionally, the reason to why the advertiser needs to find out who the target audience is going to be is due to their requirement, which can aid in building a persona of someones gender, age, interests and many more. Planning is vital as it can lead up to the research.

Also market research is to allow huge companies who are prosperous to be alert of who who the competition is with. Most of the time top leading market researchers ask a few questions to see whether or not there is something interesting being brought to the industry of advertisment. The questions  that are normally asked would be; Compared to another ad on the market, what are the sale figures going to be? Other questions would be to do with what might need to be changed/developed so the advert is improved? The last one is what sort of desires the advertiser has from the advert? Therefore the desires that any advertiser will have is to have the previous audience rejoin them, keep the same audience as well as gain new audirnces from the competitors. Even more so knowing what the weaknesses and strengths are etc.

Finally, the last stage is production research and this is when media companies make a choice to launch or not launch a product as well as ensuring that if the advertisement is going to be launched, then everything goes according to plan to gain recognition.

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