Friday 6 November 2015

AS1-Task Three:Styles of Television Advertising


Humorous advertisements are ads that are different to other ads as they can make people amused, and continue watching the advert further. Also this means that if one humorous ad is enjoyed by the viewer then they could possibly want to see more and those ads will then be remembered. The reaction at first will be confusion and then laughter, but this means that it has to be memorable due to the brand name being familiar towards the end. In addition, the advert is appropriate as it is random yet funny as it it takes a long time for a child who comes for training in karate, who eventually ends up achieving his goal as well as being able to enjoy the pepsi. Also the device used in the advert is successful because it is used an original method, which leads to suspense building up.  

These types of ads are what imitate an advertisement that already exists to make it more comedic for the viewers to then memorise in a better way, which can help the product be recognised more. This ad is an imitation of John Lewis which makes the audience react in confusion as there is no sense to what is being advertised. I think the advertisement is memorable because of the music however it is more to do with the penguin being in every shot apart from the last one where the family is having christmas dinner. The reason to why the penguin is not in the last shot is due to the fact that it tries to imply that the child who loved the penguin as a friend can still the penguin even when it is cooked to look like a turkey, therefore this means that any meat should be tried rather than sticking to the same old for christmas time. Furthermore, the ad is appropriate and successful as the child is happy which suggests that the people who are watching will feel happy as well.

A shock advert is when there will be a deliberate action to create an emotion but is able to still grasp the attention of the viewers. This advert gets the point across about stopping, looking, listening and wearing bright clothing to be noticeable. This style shocks the audience into wanting to remembering the message along with making the ad vivid. This ad is appropriate because this sort of message requires an intense visual aspect for the people to take on board the advice. So this ad does become successful as it gets the moral across and stick with the viewer due to the fact at the beginning. 

Surrealism advertisements on television tend to be something completely different from the basics, so this allows the audience to be creative and try to figure out what the product could be. This is a unique advert due to how it is created hence this makes it memorable as body parts would not open in reality. Despite this the ad is successful and appropriate as it adds something a little different to what is already in the industry.

Intertextuality is a usage of text with images and the text is apparently referenced to something that might be existing or just have multiple meanings. The Snikers advert makes the audience feel puzzled as the background sounds represent awkwardness then slightly angry, this is due to the person feeling hungry. It ensures the advert is memorable and helps it stand out by selling the slogan of "get some nuts", which ads to the humour because the idea is literal. A further point is that the ad works for the product as it indicates that the bar is luxurious with three features put together to make a sensational taste. 

Repetition is a style that shows something to be repeated so much that it is hard to forget the particular thing, in this case the ads. The repetition advert uses repetition of the people in the ad breaking the Kit Kat throughout making the audience memorise the snapping noise with the name quickly. Many people would react to this advert just averagely as there is not much happening, apart from a lot of people eating a chocolate bar. Nevertheless, the ad is successful as it shows that different professions can purchase the chocolate and enjoy the moment that those actors would have portrayed in the ad.

These adverts are what have a particular gender role associated to represent the product, also the ad is presented in an appropriate mannerism. The ad uses gender role to grab the attention of mainly women as there are a range of generations shown. This is clever because it improves the memorability of the viewer, and also this style is definitely appropriate for this product as the fairy liquid successfully will make the viewer who is watching realise that they can use something that their mum would have used as well. 

Famous Faces
Famous Faces advertisements are done with of course popular known celebrities, and the reason to this is because the viewers will easily recognise the person and will be interested to know why they have appeared on TV. This ad uses Drake to promote sprite, and due to this the target audience will immediately recognise his face. Thus those who have drake as a role model in their minds will want to be like Drake who has taken part to energise himself. Additionally, the style of advert is appropriate as they can promote other drinks with famous faces as it will become popular than the other styles. Lastly, the ad is successful due to the Drake being able to spread the word with the amount of followers he has on social media.

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