Monday 18 April 2016

AS2-Task Zero:The Languages of Advertising

There are a various types of magazines ranging from;
  1. Music
  2. Sport
  3. Fashion
  4. News
  5. Computing
  6. Teen
  7. Glamour
  8. Food
  9. Lifestyle
  10. Fitness
Language devices are used so that it can grasp the public's attention in investing the magazine to read in their spare time. The sorts of language techniques used are mode of address, alliteration, repetition, personal pronoun, rhetorical questions, abbreviations, exclamation mark, emotive language, colloquial and monosyllabic.

I expect that the magazines should be designed with a catchy title in the middle or somewhere it is bold to attract the people. In addition, there are also some offers that get placed on the magazine to interest the clients. Furthermore, there should be images in the centre and the more the images are big the better as the readers will think that the magazine is vital to purchase.  

This literacy device is identified by the sound of the first consonant to be repeated in a series of multiple words, or the repetition of the same sounds. The phrase from this magazine is 'From Fashion.' 

Repetition is used to reinforce the message to the reader, so the magazine advertisers have done it by using the colour of pink a lot. This means that it entices the girls to by the magazine and feel as if they can get a bit of interesting knowledge. However, at the same time it is stereotypical that pink is associated with girls as it is not.

Rhetorical Question
It is a question that is asked but has an answer which is obvious or due to the answer being obvious, there is no need to expect an answer. Despite that the publishers used this following rhetorical question 'Can you really reverse it?' This can intrigue the reader to carry on reading to find out what they can or cannot reverse.

Personal Pronoun
This is when there are a set to show contrasts of a person, gender and number. In the magazine it is portrayed as 'My life' and this personal pronoun is implying that maybe Ellie Goulding or someone else is going to share something about themselves that no one else knows.

LBD This language device is when there are words or phrases shortened, and the abbreviation that is part of this fashion/glamour magazine is 'LBD'. 'LBD' means 'Little Black Dress' so this is used as the new generation should understand the text without being bewildered, but if 'LBD' or other abbreviations were to not be understood in this magazine there is an image besides the text.

Exclamation Mark
Exclamation mark is used so that there can be a display of emotion that can be strong or urgent feelings. The magazine has quite a few exclamation marks but the one that fascinated me, and probably even the readers is 'Amp up your look.' It fascinated me as this has a combination of language devices in one.

Mode of Address
It is just a way in which the media will speak to the audience and they would do this by the point of view in first or third person, directness also whether it is formal or even informal. From this magazine there are many modes of addresses, but the one I have found is 'You'll Love.' This was done so that it looks like the publishers are up to date with recent trends, and it means that the girls can agree with the statement.

This language technique means to use one syllable words so that when the person reads it the text which should and most likely be short and snappy to make it more memorable. The publishers used 'Look' and 'Ellie'

Emotive Language
It is used in order to evoke the audience with great emotional impact that can be positive or negative. In this glamour magazine the publishers went with a negative emotion by stating that there is a 'Health scare that's changing my life'.

This is informal language predominately used in conversations, and the colloquialism that has been used is 'Rinsta or Finsta.' First of all 'Rinsta' or 'Finsta' means real or fake Instagram, and the magazine industry will be able to relate easily as they the modern generation use Instagram now as well as slang.

This means the similarity of sound between words or the endings of words, that normally are always used at the end of lines. The rhyme used is 'Frock drop', and rhyme is not always necessary in every magazine of different genres, yet in this particular magazine if it were not used then the magazine would seem just a tad tedious.

Rule of Three
The rule of three is used in threes because it implies that they can essentially be funnier, more satisfying or more effective than other number of things. The rule of three that has been used in the glamour/fashion magazine is the three ladies that have cities such as New York City, London and Millan. These three cities are going to make the reader feel as if they should travel to these places, because the style is really magnificent and they would love to be looking good and popular.    

The magazine above is a music magazine which is targeted to people who enjoy a bit of gossip of famous musicians life.

The alliteration that the publishers had came up with is 'Conor's Confessions' and this is likely to be used in this music magazine, because the way in which music can be catchy so are these words. Therefore, this makes the readers want to know as well as learn new things instantly. 

There is repetition of the colours blue and pink to create this joyful atmosphere, that an individual can view.

Rhetorical Question+Personal Pronoun
I think these two language devices as one indicates that only the person reading knows the answer as the question asked is 'Are You Ready For Summer Love?' I belief this is sneakily clever as the publishers are not trying to intend that the reader is absolutely ready for summer love, however they can only be the person to make the choice.

'BBC' stands for British Broadcasting Corporation and this abbreviation is not anything to get excited over. But they are probably who helped in providing some information to make the magazine worth buying.

Exclamation Mark
'Revealed!' As I have said before magazines tend to use exclamation marks to make things seem urgent/important. So in this case the thing that needs to be 'Revealed!' is urgent if someone wants to be updated on things nearly everyday, then they can be if they purchase the magazine.

Mode of Address
"I've Got Major Confidence Issues" This is effective as it grabs attention due to the fact that some people can relate and, they feel closer to the celebrity and support them through social media.

In addition, 'Cher' is the name of the musician whose picture is in the centre and this is probably suggesting that she is the main focus of this magazine so if anyone is interested in 'Cher' then they should have a read etc.

The colloquialism that is used in the magazine is 'Amazeballs', and this is informal but it means that the posters are impressive. Thus if the posters included within the magazine are that good then it is exactly the same for the complete magazine.

Rule of Three
Another language device is the rule of three, and this magazine has three different guys who have something to say which is quite revealing. Thus this is always good to use in a variety of ways because with this method of three guys, the girls would easily feel as if they are connected if they know something about their so called crushes or just famous celebrities.

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