Saturday 11 June 2016

AS3-Task Five:Final Evaluation (Final Draft)

Firstly, the aim of my advertisement was to present the Nexus 6P to our target audience with the age ranging from 15-24 of both genders. The advert was supposed to sell the product by including music within the ad as the speakers were our unique selling point, but we collectively decided as a group that the USP will be shown in the style and form of sex appeal as well as anti-realist.

In order to evaluate my finished advert I had to gather audience feedback. So the method I used to carry out the audience feedback was a focus group, because it makes it a lot easier to not miss any vital information that the audience say to help me for the future. Plus the type of feedback which was gathered was qualitative, as I would have been able to ask further questions that came to mind instead of asking quantitative (yes/no) which will not explain why something may be what they thought. In addition, the sorts of questions I asked were to do with the ad being enjoyable, if the present audience would purchase the product and improvements to make to the advertisement. These particular questions were asked to ensure that there would be no mistakes if I were to remake or edit the video again to make it more suitable for the audience.

Furthermore, for the first question I asked to the audience they replied saying that it was "a nice video" and Daniel agreed but he disliked, and stated that it "needed to include more text." There were not really any surprising responses apart from one. Reeces' answer to him purchasing the phone was "probably not," due to the fact that the advert "was so quick" suggesting he does not know much about the phone other than the speakers being good. Despite one negative yet helpful response the rest of the audience had told me how I could better the ad, thus Dannielles' feedback was that I should "advertise more than the speakers" because "it didn't actually show what the phone can do apart from play music." A respond from Sali was that myself and Daniel should "dance next time when listening to music," also "at the beginning when you're coming, there's that weird angle." Lastly, Danielio said
that we should have "put a bit of emotion into it." After acknowledging the feedback I thought that my questions were the best at the time when I asked, and also useful but not greatly useful as they said similar things, Whereas I would have liked to have heard different things, or even none if the advertisement was produced properly.

Personally what I think went successfully in the ad was the actual fact that the speakers did the job of playing the music how we imagined it to be. In addition, there were effects used, but there was a specific one at the start when it fades in as white. I thought something that could complement the clip where I am walking in to the classroom. One more thing that would have been excellent when recording the advert is when we were speaking we should have been louder so it is easy to perceive when watching. Moreover I agreed with audience feedback.

Besides the negatives of the video there were still reasonable positives to the video, such as when the end title revealed the name of the product so that was clear for the target audience or whoever is interested. Therefore, to some extent it does successfully sell the product, as the idea was good. We also had steady shots alongside smooth camera movement, for the idea to flow in order to make sense.

Additionally, as I mentioned before how the we did not speak loudly enough, I did improve this while editing through audio gain. But it should have been much more than what I chose the first time round. In believe that the slogan I had was not very interesting, so to improve the slogan I should have chosen something shorter that could trend. Other than these two improvements, there is nothing else I could do to improve the video as the filming itself went terrible.

In conclusion, I was moderately happy with the video however I am glad that we achieved the aim of creating a thirty second ad presenting the Nexus 6P phone speakers.

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