Thursday 9 June 2016

AS3-Task Three:Sources of Information

Even before beginning the production, I had to be cautious of a few things so my intention was to create pre-production documents.

I used this documentation to refer back to the aim we had for the idea, in case we started to drift away from the task by filming something we are not trying to sell. Personally, the proposal does seem to be a useful piece of document, but it probably was not necessary to do. However, at the same time without the proposal we would not have known what we are doing, hence I carried out target audience and market research to be very clear about who we need to advertise to and how we can do so. To improve the proposal I could have raised other points that we could have based on a phone still with different styles/forms, also explained why we chose the shots for example shot reverse shot and that is due to the fact that we are going to have a small conversation.

Production Budget
I used the production budget document to know how much money we will need to spend on hiring the equipment. Therefore, the pre-production of the budget was useful as we found that the cheapest equipment can do a good job as expensive equipment would, and it is best to use cheaper equipment as we are working our way up, because we are not experts in producing advertisements along with it being our first advert. The production budget could be improved by mentioning specific names for the camera, tripod and microphone, because as I have said before is that if we hire then we could purchase the wrong equipment. By this I mean that the camera could be the same price yet the camera is just worse, maybe due to the focus or quality etc.

Shooting Schedule
The pre-production of shooting schedule was used for us to remain on track with what has to and what has been completed. The shooting schedule is slightly useful as we do not have to decide at the last minute on where we want to film. To improve this document I would definitely need to be sure of what equipment we have to use and in what scene, because we could have paid money for no reason if we hiring. But were not put into this situation as the equipment was provided to us from the media department within the school we filmed in.

Production Schedule (Location visit, call, cast and crew contact sheets)
As you can tell from the title there are three types of production schedule documents. I used the location visit sheet after I got permission from the school only to be able to film the advert. It is useful as someone might not know how to get to the location venue hence they can follow the map, but we all go to the school so we do not really need a map to travel to the school. Furthermore, I think the only thing that needed to be improved is that we should have checked when the weather was perfect and put the forecast in the document, alongside record on the day the weather was good. I believe the call sheet was not at all useful, so I did not use it and like I have said for some pre-production documents again I feel there was nothing that could or would have improved. Lastly, the cast and crew contact sheets were by far the most useful out of the three production schedules because, we had one another's mobile numbers to contact each other in case we were running late, or not able to film due to a circumstance. Plus if they were able to follow the location visit sheet then it would work out fine, as we would not have to wait too long. So the cast and crew contact sheet will not need any improvements.

Contingency Plan
Additionally, this documentation had to be created so that I know when not to film as the weather was the issue to contribute the most in stopping us from filming before, during or after.  It turned out to be very useful due to the fact that we knew how to prevent the issue otherwise we could have gone in to record and it would have consumed a lot of time if were waiting around for changes, when they might not have been able to change. I could have improved this section with other problems to prevent however, I believe everything is included in the contingency plan.

Meeting Record Sheet
Another pre-production document used was a meeting record sheet for all of us in the group to arrive on time to school. Also it was to spend particular time on recording as we might other things to do, yet we want to spend enough time to produce something worth watching. I think that this was not useful because I did not mention the minutes it will take us to film, thus this has to be improved so that we do not go over the days we expect to finish filming.

Risk Assessment
I used this to be alert of the risks that could affect the cast and crew and if they occurred then how we would not worry, as we will be able to contact someone for support in sorting the problem. It is useful to conclude a risk assessment because it enables us with the chance to manage those risks, as well as ensure safety for all of us at the end of the day. A further point is that I could have improved the risk assessment by including other risks that may not be serious, but it could prevent the production process. For example a splinter from the bench that me and Daniel have sat on can irritate/hurt quite a bit.

Shot List
This was used to organise where and how many shots we could record in two days. I thought this was useful as what a whole lot easier to refer to than a storyboard, because a storyboard can imply anything. Despite that the shot list is more accurate to follow. It results in not having to improve anything.

Costume and Props
I used this to be aware of what to remember to wear and it links in with the usefulness, because the clothing was collectively decided on as we wanted it to be something that our target audience can instantly relate, basically begin to watch the ad as they see people the same age as them. Plus it was to help us to not forget what props we had to bring along. In addition, I think nothing could really have been improved as the clothing was comfortable and easy to obtain.

Overall, without the pre-production documents the whole production would not have been able to run smoothly. Thus the pre-production documents that I would use again as they were useful is the proposal, production budget, shooting schedule, production schedule (location visit, cast and crew sheet), contingency plan, risk assessment, shot list, costume and props. On the other hand, the documents I would not select again is production schedule (call sheet) and meeting record sheet as it did not have relevant information in connection with the title as much.

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