Saturday 11 June 2016

AS3-Task Five:Final Evaluation (Final Draft)

Firstly, the aim of my advertisement was to present the Nexus 6P to our target audience with the age ranging from 15-24 of both genders. The advert was supposed to sell the product by including music within the ad as the speakers were our unique selling point, but we collectively decided as a group that the USP will be shown in the style and form of sex appeal as well as anti-realist.

In order to evaluate my finished advert I had to gather audience feedback. So the method I used to carry out the audience feedback was a focus group, because it makes it a lot easier to not miss any vital information that the audience say to help me for the future. Plus the type of feedback which was gathered was qualitative, as I would have been able to ask further questions that came to mind instead of asking quantitative (yes/no) which will not explain why something may be what they thought. In addition, the sorts of questions I asked were to do with the ad being enjoyable, if the present audience would purchase the product and improvements to make to the advertisement. These particular questions were asked to ensure that there would be no mistakes if I were to remake or edit the video again to make it more suitable for the audience.

Furthermore, for the first question I asked to the audience they replied saying that it was "a nice video" and Daniel agreed but he disliked, and stated that it "needed to include more text." There were not really any surprising responses apart from one. Reeces' answer to him purchasing the phone was "probably not," due to the fact that the advert "was so quick" suggesting he does not know much about the phone other than the speakers being good. Despite one negative yet helpful response the rest of the audience had told me how I could better the ad, thus Dannielles' feedback was that I should "advertise more than the speakers" because "it didn't actually show what the phone can do apart from play music." A respond from Sali was that myself and Daniel should "dance next time when listening to music," also "at the beginning when you're coming, there's that weird angle." Lastly, Danielio said
that we should have "put a bit of emotion into it." After acknowledging the feedback I thought that my questions were the best at the time when I asked, and also useful but not greatly useful as they said similar things, Whereas I would have liked to have heard different things, or even none if the advertisement was produced properly.

Personally what I think went successfully in the ad was the actual fact that the speakers did the job of playing the music how we imagined it to be. In addition, there were effects used, but there was a specific one at the start when it fades in as white. I thought something that could complement the clip where I am walking in to the classroom. One more thing that would have been excellent when recording the advert is when we were speaking we should have been louder so it is easy to perceive when watching. Moreover I agreed with audience feedback.

Besides the negatives of the video there were still reasonable positives to the video, such as when the end title revealed the name of the product so that was clear for the target audience or whoever is interested. Therefore, to some extent it does successfully sell the product, as the idea was good. We also had steady shots alongside smooth camera movement, for the idea to flow in order to make sense.

Additionally, as I mentioned before how the we did not speak loudly enough, I did improve this while editing through audio gain. But it should have been much more than what I chose the first time round. In believe that the slogan I had was not very interesting, so to improve the slogan I should have chosen something shorter that could trend. Other than these two improvements, there is nothing else I could do to improve the video as the filming itself went terrible.

In conclusion, I was moderately happy with the video however I am glad that we achieved the aim of creating a thirty second ad presenting the Nexus 6P phone speakers.

Friday 10 June 2016

AS3-Task Four:Final Evaluation (First Draft)

Firstly, the aim of my advertisement was to create a thirty seconds TV ad for the Nexus 6P mobile phone. Also the we aimed to show this to a target audience age range from fifteen to twenty-four of both genders, yet it is available to anyone who is interested in the product. In addition, the idea behind selling the product was to meant to be selling the product by mentioning the unique selling point, which was done by focusing on only talking and listening to music, as the speakers are supposed to be clear.

Furthermore, the method I used to carry out the audience feedback was a focus group. Thus the type of feedback that was gathered was qualitative, and the questions I asked were; Out of 5, how much did you enjoy the advertisement? (1=Least, 5=Most) and why? Would you purchase the product? Why would you not buy the product? Since you disliked and liked the ad, what do you think could have been improved in the advert? These questions were asked because if I didn't ask these questions then I would not have been able to ask further questions in order to receive plenty more answers to improve my advert or for the next time I create a new advert. Although the method I used was a focus group I also could have sent a survey created on surveymonkey with the same or altered questions, along with the link to the video.

From my audience feedback i found out that my finished advert was average as three boys and two girls had said they would rate it a three, meaning that they enjoyed the advert possibly due to the music being recent that the audience like listening to. In fact three or four of the audience would have purchased the phone, but one person did disagree with the others. They disliked the advert as they thought it was far too quick to understand, and there was not enough text as well as expressions/emotion. I felt that in a way the responses will seem surprising, but it was not surprising to me. In addition, the questions I asked were not the best because the audience said the same as what I thought off. Thus it would have been better to ask useful questions to have an insight of something else rather than about something I technically already know.

I think that the sections of the advert which were successful was the fact that the phone focused completely on the clear and loud speakers. Also towards the end the title was a good addition as the audience were able to find out what the product is, as they were not able to see the product properly as well as the slogan being "Out of this World" A further point is that the effects used within the whole video. In my opinion the reasons the effects were brilliant is because it made the ad flow slightly. A further point is that since the advert was not completely great I would prefer to make improvements. The first improvement consists of either recording every scene again, and take longer as the camera operator as well as the director were rushing us. Both of the crew members were worried that the classroom we used to film in may not be available, but it was. Another point is that our original plan was to film outside, because the outside scenery would have been much nicer and fun/free to be energetic rather than awkward as we did not dance to the music. Last but not the least it might have been even better to have filmed our second idea as there, however the problem with that would be that we would not be able to get a lot of people willing to be filmed to make the scenario we had. Also we did not get the shots we talked/hoped for example shot reverse shot and close up of the phone, plus I definitely agree with the audience feedback.

Additionally, the advert was technically good, but there was one part where it was not good at all or just looked odd. The things that were technically good was that there was smooth camera movements plus steady shots, however it was technically worst due to the framing. The framing ended up being terrible as Daniel had been cut out of the frame when I am supposed to be telling him using my phone to listen to music. To be honest the product is probably not very clear. But at the same time the USP is clear as that is the only the only thing focused on. Despite this it worked in our favour because it is climactic. The ad does and does not successfully sell the product. It is successful in selling the product because as I have mentioned before of the title and the fact that it was thirty seconds, implies that it would not be time consuming for someone to not watch the advert. The reason it can be seen as non successful is that Daniel did a reasonable good job at acting, yet myself and Daniel did not make it convincing due to us feeling embarrassed and at one section the exaggeration. Finally, the idea was almost good if everyone's input was considered when there was a need for it.

Even though I have said the improvements I would make, more specifically the improvements I could try to make to the video is that I add my own close up shot of the phone. Either I could have done this by taking a clip from an existing advert, but this would have been possibly copyrighted meaning that my advert will not be aired. So I could have zoomed in very close on to the phone or got a picture, and this improvement needed to be made so that the target audience can know what the product is instead of seeing a little bit and having to do their own research when we can provide the information. Also it would be good to add more text including other information about what the price is etc.

In conclusion, I personally think that the aim was just about achieved but this does indicate that I was not pleased with my finished advert, and I did my best to put together the ad with the clips that were filmed/provided to me.

Thursday 9 June 2016

AS3-Task Three:Sources of Information

Even before beginning the production, I had to be cautious of a few things so my intention was to create pre-production documents.

I used this documentation to refer back to the aim we had for the idea, in case we started to drift away from the task by filming something we are not trying to sell. Personally, the proposal does seem to be a useful piece of document, but it probably was not necessary to do. However, at the same time without the proposal we would not have known what we are doing, hence I carried out target audience and market research to be very clear about who we need to advertise to and how we can do so. To improve the proposal I could have raised other points that we could have based on a phone still with different styles/forms, also explained why we chose the shots for example shot reverse shot and that is due to the fact that we are going to have a small conversation.

Production Budget
I used the production budget document to know how much money we will need to spend on hiring the equipment. Therefore, the pre-production of the budget was useful as we found that the cheapest equipment can do a good job as expensive equipment would, and it is best to use cheaper equipment as we are working our way up, because we are not experts in producing advertisements along with it being our first advert. The production budget could be improved by mentioning specific names for the camera, tripod and microphone, because as I have said before is that if we hire then we could purchase the wrong equipment. By this I mean that the camera could be the same price yet the camera is just worse, maybe due to the focus or quality etc.

Shooting Schedule
The pre-production of shooting schedule was used for us to remain on track with what has to and what has been completed. The shooting schedule is slightly useful as we do not have to decide at the last minute on where we want to film. To improve this document I would definitely need to be sure of what equipment we have to use and in what scene, because we could have paid money for no reason if we hiring. But were not put into this situation as the equipment was provided to us from the media department within the school we filmed in.

Production Schedule (Location visit, call, cast and crew contact sheets)
As you can tell from the title there are three types of production schedule documents. I used the location visit sheet after I got permission from the school only to be able to film the advert. It is useful as someone might not know how to get to the location venue hence they can follow the map, but we all go to the school so we do not really need a map to travel to the school. Furthermore, I think the only thing that needed to be improved is that we should have checked when the weather was perfect and put the forecast in the document, alongside record on the day the weather was good. I believe the call sheet was not at all useful, so I did not use it and like I have said for some pre-production documents again I feel there was nothing that could or would have improved. Lastly, the cast and crew contact sheets were by far the most useful out of the three production schedules because, we had one another's mobile numbers to contact each other in case we were running late, or not able to film due to a circumstance. Plus if they were able to follow the location visit sheet then it would work out fine, as we would not have to wait too long. So the cast and crew contact sheet will not need any improvements.

Contingency Plan
Additionally, this documentation had to be created so that I know when not to film as the weather was the issue to contribute the most in stopping us from filming before, during or after.  It turned out to be very useful due to the fact that we knew how to prevent the issue otherwise we could have gone in to record and it would have consumed a lot of time if were waiting around for changes, when they might not have been able to change. I could have improved this section with other problems to prevent however, I believe everything is included in the contingency plan.

Meeting Record Sheet
Another pre-production document used was a meeting record sheet for all of us in the group to arrive on time to school. Also it was to spend particular time on recording as we might other things to do, yet we want to spend enough time to produce something worth watching. I think that this was not useful because I did not mention the minutes it will take us to film, thus this has to be improved so that we do not go over the days we expect to finish filming.

Risk Assessment
I used this to be alert of the risks that could affect the cast and crew and if they occurred then how we would not worry, as we will be able to contact someone for support in sorting the problem. It is useful to conclude a risk assessment because it enables us with the chance to manage those risks, as well as ensure safety for all of us at the end of the day. A further point is that I could have improved the risk assessment by including other risks that may not be serious, but it could prevent the production process. For example a splinter from the bench that me and Daniel have sat on can irritate/hurt quite a bit.

Shot List
This was used to organise where and how many shots we could record in two days. I thought this was useful as what a whole lot easier to refer to than a storyboard, because a storyboard can imply anything. Despite that the shot list is more accurate to follow. It results in not having to improve anything.

Costume and Props
I used this to be aware of what to remember to wear and it links in with the usefulness, because the clothing was collectively decided on as we wanted it to be something that our target audience can instantly relate, basically begin to watch the ad as they see people the same age as them. Plus it was to help us to not forget what props we had to bring along. In addition, I think nothing could really have been improved as the clothing was comfortable and easy to obtain.

Overall, without the pre-production documents the whole production would not have been able to run smoothly. Thus the pre-production documents that I would use again as they were useful is the proposal, production budget, shooting schedule, production schedule (location visit, cast and crew sheet), contingency plan, risk assessment, shot list, costume and props. On the other hand, the documents I would not select again is production schedule (call sheet) and meeting record sheet as it did not have relevant information in connection with the title as much.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

AS3-Task Two:Screening/Focus Group

Firstly, I chose to screen my advertisement to a focus group because the screening and focus group can be filmed making it easier to collect responses, and ask further questions to refer back to quickly. Whereas, if I asked the questions and wrote everything down I would have been able to miss some important information, that everyone said. Also it would have been very time consuming for all of us present, so a recording of the screening and focus group is more efficient for all of us.

The following questions are what I asked after the screening;
  1. Out of 5, how much did you enjoy the advertisement? (1=Least, 5=Most) and why?
  2. Would you purchase the product?
  3. Why would you not buy the product?
  4. Since you disliked, what do you think could have been improved in the advert?
Furthermore, I chose my focus group based on the age range I have for my target audience which is 17+, and this was to see whether their responses were similar or differed. Their opinion was the same, because they thought that the advertisement was average due to some issues with our acting. Plus there was an angle used at the start of the advert which was not necessary. Yet on the bright side the good part of the ad is that the aim of presenting the speakers was perceived easily by the audience, hence only three or four of them would still buy the Nexus 6P phone. Finally, what I would like to achieve next time if I do another focus group is get a few other people in the audience who were not the exact age we planned on advertising the product to. Also ask more questions so that the audience can extend their answers about different things which may not have been mentioned in this audience feedback focus group.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

AS2-Task Six:Pre Production

Prepared by
Satveer Kaur
The product that I am planning on advertising is a phone that has extremely amazing speakers which are clear. The USP of the product is that it is light weighted so you will not even know that you are carrying a phone around with you. Another thing is that there are different colours available as well as a low price. In addition, there are a few things which do not get provided from other phones, so we decided to pick the speakers to be unique. Also the market that the product fits into is technology.

Production Budget
Camera (2 day hire)
Tripod (2 day hire)
Microphone (2 day hire)

Total Production Budget:£126

Shooting Schedule
Outside in the school playground
Robert Clack School
Dark Blue tight tracksuit
Casual clothing such as jeans, t-shirt,trainers etc
Myself, Daniel, Reece and Basra
Possibly in classroom
Robert Clack School
Dark Blue tight tracksuit
Casual clothing such as jeans, t-shirt,trainers etc
Myself, Daniel, Reece and Basra

Production Schedule Location Visit Sheet

Programme Title: Nexus 6P
Producer:Myself,Daniel, Reece and Basra
Rough Sketch/Explanation of location and key points to note

Access to location via:Walking
Name and Number of location contact: Robert Clack School, 02082704222
Health and safety issues to note:Trip over equipment
Potential Filming Problems: The equipment might unexpectedly stop working, also there could be some lighting issues.
Additional Notes:(map of area/weather forecast etc)

Production Schedule Call Sheet

Programme Title: Nexus 6P
Production Assistant:Basra
Props:Phone and earphones
Meeting at:Front gate of the school
Location Venue:Robert Clack School
Call Date:
Call Time:
Actors/Actresses:Myself and Daniel
Make up:None
Wardrobe:Dark Blue tight tracksuit, casual clothing for example jeans, t-shirt, trainers etc
Location Catering:None

Production Schedule Cast and Crew Contact Details

Programme Title:Nexus 6P
Reece(Camera Operator)
Mobile Telephone Number

All the numbers are being shared amongst the group 
Home Telephone Number

All the numbers are being shared amongst the group 

Contingency Plan
Name:Satveer Kaur
Potential problems and how to overcome these problems:
Weather:It may be too bright meaning that there could be unwanted light being reflected in areas we do not want it to be in. Also it may even be a rainy day instead, thus the equipment might be damaged.
Unwell Cast
To prevent both the issues from occurring me and my group would need to reschedule to film another day.
Also we will inform the cast/crew to ensure they are available on a particular day, suitable for all of us.
A further point is that we could film inside rather than outside.

Meeting Record Sheet
Place:Front gate of the location
Present:Myself, Daniel, Reece and Basra
Apologies for absence:
Minutes recorded by:

Risk Assessment

Group Members:Myself, Daniel, Reece and Basra

Location:Robert Clack School
Person’s at risk
Likelihood of hazard
5= Likely
Severity of hazard outcomes
1=Very low
5=Very high
Risk Level
Measures to manage risk
Risk Managed
Tripping over equipment
Keep equipment away to one side where we are not filming

Emergency Service:999

Robert Clack School:02082704222

Shot List
Shot Number
Outside in playground
The first shot consists of Daniel sitting at a bench waiting for his friend, so he begins listening to music. Then the second shot is when I arrive and meet up with Daniel. Third shot is just us beginning to talk about listening to the music. The last shot is just us listening to the music.
Possibly in classroom
Before shot five there is just a close up of the phone showing the speakers at the front.

Costumes and Props
Character Name:Satveer(Myself)
Costume:Casual jeans, t-shirt and trainers
Character Name:Daniel
Costume:Casual dark blue tight tracksuit and trainers
Props:Phone and Earphones

Monday 16 May 2016

AS2-Task Five:Pitch

I have created this pitch so that the investors have an insight to what product I want to advertise, as well as what the target audience should purchase.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

AS2-Task Four

Before I begin to create my advert I will have to ensure that I'm not running into legal and ethical issues such as copyrighted music and ideas. Also I have to be aware of the fact that I follow the codes of practice that ASA and BCAP have set, for example there should not be any risky content, false advertising and product placement.

Legal and Ethical Issues
So more specifically the sorts of ideas that could be copyrighted is slogan, style and logos etc. Therefore, to get my television advertisement aired I need to get permission from the company/organisation or people who created the music and ideas. Additionally, the ideas I am using is music for the background, the style is different, the title will stay as Nexus 6P because that is the phone we are using to advertise. Plus there is no logo but there will be a slogan, but as far as I know there is no slogan 'Out of this World' for phones at least, and I think that it is associated well with the phone as Nexus is supposed to be a planet or something.

Codes of Practice
As mentioned previously, ASA produce these codes to give a chance to the advertiser to alter their ads where there were issues arising. Risky content should be checked by legal authority before the advert is released, as there may be inappropriate content for children and sometimes even adults. Thus if there is something risky then the person who made the ad could be sued, a further point is that our advert does not have risky content to offend anyone. Furthermore, false advertising is when something can be promised but ends up not being provided. So it is similar to saying that if we want to present the speakers as clear, but it may end up as not being clear. An example where there was false advertising involved is in the Duracell batteries advert. Duracell claimed that the batteries "Last Even Longer, "so in the US the advertisers were sued because the customers insisted that the facts were not true. Also the batteries were more expensive than regular batteries. Another point is that the label could be deceiving yet it is a different way to say that it is great. Finally, product placement is another method to promote a product either before or after intervals of films, TV and other media such as the internet on YouTube to gain more money, due to the popularity of the product.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

AS2-Task Three:Requirements for production

The reason to why I need to find things out before the actual production, is because there could be problems that occur. Thus if the problems do occur then we need to be aware, in order to solve it so it does not happen again.

Technical Equipment
  • Camera
  • Tripod  
  • Microphone
Luckily the equipment will be provided to us by school media department, yet we can also hire from websites such as hirecamera. So to hire the equipment for two days the camera will cost £80, tripod £16 and microphone £30 meaning the total cost is £126. In addition, the shots are not very long but we may record different angles with one camera, therefore it has to be perfectly precise.
Potential filming location
Our potential filming locations are in Robert Clack School and the other location is my house. To get permission to film in the school we will ask the media teachers of the school, and to film in my house the group will need my permission and obviously if we get permission then we would just have to arrive on time. Personally for me both the locations are in walking distance from each other of five minutes and for my group members it would take just a bit over five minutes to the location by walk. Finally, the issues that might arise in the school is the weather which we are not able to control, along with there being danger of us tripping and the public in this case the students. On the other hand, there seems to be no issues if we were to film in my house.   

Actors and Actresses
The sort of actor and actresses we need for the advertisment will be of both genders at the age of 16-17 as it is close to our starting range for the target audience. Furthermore, we decided on not having a well known actor/actress as they could demand a lot of money for something which is just short and simple, so there will be no auditions held. However, myself and Daniel will be casting in the advert for free. Plus, in my opinion I think both me and Daniel can do a good job as we have known each other very well for a long amount of time. Additionaly, as we are going to film in the school we decided we are not going to use the general public, so there is no need for disclaimers yet as mentioned before the public may be walking around to get to lesson. Hence we will wait for them to go, while we get ourselves ready for the next shot and also we may consider a disclaimer as some students could be very disruptive.
Costume and Props
The costumes I will be needing is casual clothing such as jeans, t-shirt, trainers and Daniel will need a tracksuit with trainers. Props we are using are phones as well as earphones. All of the costumes and props involved are our personal belongings, so the costumes will be sourced by myself plus Daniel. Another thing Daniel will provide is earphones, and the phone we are using is provided to us by Basra. Theoretically, the shots may be filmed in the space of a day rather than two, therefore we do not need to store them between shots. But if it ends up to be two days then our properties will be stored in our cupboards at home. Lastly, the costumes will roughly cost just over £50 and the phone costs £450.